
Hope Ministries Int. consists of the following Ministries:

Hope Ministries International consists of the following Ministries:

1. Conquerors Ministry

  • All males in our ministry are regarded as Conquerors, therefore this is a Men’s Ministry
  • Scriptural reference: 1 Timothy 2:8 “ I desire therefore that the Men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.”.

2. Virtuous Senate/Women

  • This Ministry is for all Elderly and Young Mothers of the Church. Through this ministry women are encouraged to live a life of virtue trusting in the Lord as the only source of Life.
  • Scriptural Reference: Proverbs 31: 10-31

3. Warriors

  • This is our Youth Ministry
  • Scriptural Reference: Psalms 119:9 “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to the Word of the Lord”.

4. Ladies of Hope

  • This ministry Consists of young, vibrant and dynamic ladies. The main objective of this ministry is to bridge the gap between the young virtuous women (youth) and virtuous senators. LOH are faith and Word based.
  • Scriptural Reference: Proverbs 31: 10-31

5. Little Flowers

  • This is our Children’s Ministry
  • Scriptural Reference: Matthew 19:14 “ Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.

Our Organogram

Annual Events

  1. Breaking The Walls of Jericho
  2. Founders Family Birthday Celebrations
    • 09 Feb: Executive Pastor R Jonas’s Birthday
    • 25 Feb: Executive Pastor K Jonas’s Birthday
    • 06 March: Bro. Kenny Jonas’s Birthday
    • 30 September: Bro. Ru’nick Jonas’s Birthday
  3. HMI Founders Awards
  4. HMI Conferences
    • Easter Conference/ Good Friday Service
    • Conquerors Conference
    • Youth Conference
    • Virtuous Women’s Conference
  1. Bring a Sibling Day (Family Day)
  2. Youth: Last 7 words of Jesus Christ
  3. Break Out- Spiritual Battle of Conquerors & Virtuous Woman
  4. HMI Gogo’s Day
  5. Mother’s & Father’s Day
  6. Hope’s Day
  7. Miss & Mr Little Hope
  8. HMI Keeping Dreams Alive Ball
  9. Hope’s Heritage Day
  10. HMI Anniversary 16th November
  11. Cross Over Service 31st December