Hope Ministers believe that the bible is the only infallible written word of God, and it’s Content and message is authoritative and completely trustworthy. It is therefore our supreme guide on what to believe and how to live.
What We Believe
We Believe That:
- There is only one God, the non-created Creator; eternally existent in THREE (3) PERSONS: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
- Jesus Christ is the Beloved Son of God; the Second Person of the Godhead Trinity and He was with God the Father in the beginning of Creation.
- The Holy Spirit is the Third Person in the Godhead Trinity and He is One who leads and guide us into all Truth
- All people are created in the image and the likeness of God and that human life is therefore EXTREMELY VALUABLE
- The regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation
- Speaking in tongues is the consequence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit
- God proved His love for sinners through Jesus Christ taking a penalty of our sin upon Him by dying on the cross on our behalf; He then rose bodily from the dead and He ascended to Heaven where He intercedes for us, as His people.
- All people irrespective of Nationality or Ethnicity who REPENT of their sins and put their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are declared RIGHTEOUS by God and receive the GIFT OF FORGIVENESS and ETERNAL LIFE.
- The Lord Jesus Christ will RETURN IN GLORY personally and at that time He will Judge those who have died and those who live.
- ALL people will rise from the dead and those who are in CHRIST will rise to enjoy ETERNAL LIFE with GOD, those who are LOST will suffer ETERNAL SEPARATION.
- The church is the BODY OF CHRIST and the fellowship of all believers, within the Church all believers are priests, called to serve God and each other, commissioned to MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS.
- Accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour is the first step in living a Christian life. We accept Jesus Christ according to this scriptural reference: Romans 10:9 “ Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”